Tag Archive | God

The American Way of Life

    This is what distinguishes the American from all other countries – historically and traditionally. It’s how we live. It’s what we do, and what we’re striving to accomplish. We’re maturing as a people, as imperfect as we are, acknowledging that we need to progress. We are in fact a demonstration of a historic […]

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Proof God Exists

    DEMONSTRATION, n. 1. The act of demonstrating, or of exhibiting certain proof. 2. The highest degree of evidence; certain proof exhibited, or such proof as establishes a fact or proposition beyond a possibility of doubt, or as shows the contrary position to be absurd or impossible. 3. Indubitable evidence of the senses, or […]

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Work In Progress

Today I wrote a list of titles that I want to write about. Since I’m a full-time mom and not a full-time bloger, I’m not sure how far I’ll get. I am an expert at making lists. 1. That’s Not Love I was thinking of all the ways this word is misused and all the […]

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Suffering, Mercy, and What’s Fair?

Many times people who are suffering are accused of bringing it on themselves. The accusers sit in judgment without mercy or compassion. Job was a righteous man and endured unimaginable pain and suffering yet was unjustly accused of deserving his circumstance. What would “the secret” say about Job. Zacharias, a priest and his wife, Elisabeth […]

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